BME Certification for Sustainable Procurement Organization

How sustainable is your procurement?

Your advantages

  1. Recognition of your commitment by a neutral body
  2. Structured approach to integrate sustainability in existing procurement organization in a structured, sustainable way
  3. Minimization of risks within your procurement organization
  4. No parallel structures, no redundancies due to High-Level-Structure (e.g. like ISO, EMAS)
  5. Save resources: Support and documents (manuals, guidelines, catalogue of measures) will lead you along the way

About BME Certification for Sustainable Procurement

With the BME sustainability certification, companies have the opportunity to carry out a BME sustainability check. Entry (Level 1) into the certification consists of a self-analysis in the form of a standardized and guided questionnaire and the submission of a voluntary commitment to establish sustainable procurement. Upon successful completion of the self-audit, participants receive an award in the form of a certificate. The voluntary commitment will support your organization in integrating sustainable procurement into existing procurement structures in a structured manner and with that build a solid base for future adaptations. To receive the certification, participants can make the request to the BME at any time. The BME will then activate the questionnaire for the participant to answer. The questionnaire along with the self-disclosure form are sent via email.

The second stage (Level 2) certifies the sustainability measures implemented by the company, concretely based on the submitted documents. The measures are audited according to criteria such as feasibility, achievement of objectives in terms of the company's sustainability strategy and procurement organization. Levels 1 and 2 build on each other.

The third stage (Level 3) involves actual on-site auditing. You choose your auditing organization. The auditing organization will perform a thorough auditing of the action points laid out in self-commitment document (Level1).

Together with the auditors, new measures are identified, adjustments are made, and recommendations for continuous improvement will be made. This takes place in 3 consecutive years and guarantees that the sustainability measures have an impact on the company as a whole.

Individual BME Workshops (e.g. Stakeholder Dialog or Sustainability Basics)

You want to act sustainably as a purchasing organization, but are still at the beginning and have questions regarding the How? Who? or What? On the other hand, you want to go deeper into the analysis between the levels, where you stand and what you can do most effectively as a purchasing organization to strengthen sustainability in your company?

We offer you a joint workshop, lead by the BME, to help you identify and prioritize future fields of action together with you and to implement a stakeholder dialog .

Level 1
  • Self-analysis and self-commitment to establishing sustainable procurement: 250 €
Level 2
  • BME sustainability certification - remote verification of implementation of measures through documentation
    check: 1.490 €
Level 3
  • BME sustainability certification - on-site audit of implementation of the sustainability program with an annual monitoring audit during the time span of 3 years and the implementation of continuous improvement:
    990 € (plus audit costs)
Workshop/Consulting/Stakeholder Dialog
  1. Support in the introduction of a sustainability strategy for your purchasing organization, planning and implementation of individual complex sub-areas e.g. risk analysis, creation of a materiality matrix, organization and implementation of a stakeholder dialog. Costs according to days of operation

Other Services


Measuring success - Creating added value - Optimize costs

About BME Market Research

Support in the search for suitable suppliers

About BME Matchmaking
BME-Compliance Initiative

Does your purchasing department meet compliance requirements?

About BME Code of Conduct
Any questions about the BME Certification System for Sustainable Procurement?

Sarah Baer | Phone: +49 6196 5828 124 | [email protected]

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